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--anwarsonmnimmimmmi.11 3o8 Enemy of all Society, Re idiots and Common good. God himfelf, and the fewworks of Piety, charity, or felf-de- nyal that are done by fuch at any great colt. But to the felf- denying, it is but as the calling away a handful of earth, or calling off an upper garment , for the doing of their work. CHAP. LXVIII. Enemy of all Society, Relations andCommongood. 6, R Oreover, thisfelfiAnefr is the enemy to focieties, and relations, and conftqwently to the common god, And it is not only indirealy and confequentially,but direly that it firikesat the very foundation of all.for the manifeiting of this, confider in what refpe&s this felfilhnefs is at enmity with fo- cieties. 1. The End of focieties is effential to them : and this End is the Common good of the fociety : and therefore a Republick bath its name from hence, becaufe it is conflituted and to be adminiflred for the Commonweal, or the good of all. Now felPnefs is contrary to this common good which is the end of all focieties. Everyfe/fifh perfon is his Own End ; and cares not to hinder the common good if he do but think it will pro- mote his own : And how is that Family, Church, or Common- wealth like to profper, where moil (alas, mot indeed) have an Endof their own that is fet up againfl the End and being of the fociety ? For though the real good, of particular per- fons is ufually comprehended in the common good, yet that is but in fubferviency to the publikegood, and is not obferved ufually by thefe perfons who principally look at themfelvcs. And it commonly fats out that the publike welfare cannot be obtained but by fuchfilf-denial of the members, which thefe men will not fubmit to ; though they incur a greater theirfe/fifboeff. Little do they think of the common good.: it is their own matters that they regard and mind. So kg() well with theme let Church and Commonwealth do what it will: They