Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Enemy of 411 Society, Relations andCommon good. They can bear any ones trouble or loffes fave their own. They are every man as a Chtirch, as a Commonwealth, as a world to themfelves. If they be well, all is well-with them If they profper they think its a good world , what ever others undergo. If they be poor or lick , or under any other fuffering, it is all one to them as ifcalamity had covered the earth : and if they fee that they muff die, they take it as if it were the diffolutionofthe world, (unlefs as they leave either name or pollerity behind them in which a shadowof themmay furvive.) And therefore they ufe to fay [when I amgone, all the world is gone with me.] z. Morever SelfiAneft is contrary to that Difpolition and irit that every member of a fociety fhould be poffeffed with. The publike goodwill not be attained without a Publike fpiri to which a Private fpirit is contrary. Men mull be dipfeel to thework that theymull beemployed in. The work of every member of a fociety, is fuch as Mordechai is approved for, Efther. r 0. 3. [Peking the wealth of his people, and eaking peace to all hisfeed] Every true member of the Church, mull have fuch a fpirit as Xebemiab, that in the mica of his own profperity and honours is call down in falling , tears , and prayers , when he heareth of the afflilion, reproach, and mines of 7erufalem, and faith [Why ihoulei not soy countenance be fad, when the City the place of my fathers fepulchres lieth me: ?] Neb. I 3 . & 2.3, 4. And as the captivated Jews Pfal. i 3 7. that lay by all their mirth andmufick, and fit down and weep at the remembrance of Zion. A private, fell difpofition is quite contrary to this ; and is bufie about his own matters, and principally looketh to his own ends and interells, what ever come of"the Church ; and fals under the reproof that BarliC12 had from God, Jer. 45. 4, 5. LAthoLi that which 1 have built will'1 breakdown, and trmt hicks 1 have planted I will pInckup, even thiswhole land ; andfeekefl than great things for thy [elf ? feels them not.] This Private difpofition makes men Co foolifh as to lofe thernfelves; by feeking themfelves ; looking to their own goods oreabbins when, the fhip is finking in which they are ; and to their own rooms, when the houfe is all on fire. But aPublike Spirit faith [If I forget thee 0 RI' 3 Jeru- 309