Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

.Enemy of 4/1 Society, Relations andCommongood. their duty in Governing the Churches, and laying fuch re. ftriCtions on them , that Paftors might benoPaftors, that is,to Guides and Overfeers of the Church in the worfhip of God. Andwhen good Laws are made, they have as many enemies, as felfifh men. If the Law were not hated, the execution of it wouldnot be hated fo much. 4. Alfo felfifhnefs is an enemy to the very being of Ma- giftracy, and to all publike Officers and their work. For the very End of the Magiftracy is the Publike benefit, as I faid before of the end of a Commonwealth : and therefore this Nfifhnefs is contrary to his end : and fuch men will not value a. Magiftrate as apublike officer, but onlyas one that is able to help them, or tohurt them ; which is but to fear him as a po- tent enemy, and not to loveor honour him as a Ruler. They look at Magiftrates as at Tyrants that are too Itrong for them andas a Cur will crouch to a Maftiff dog, fo they will crouch to them to fave themfelves : and this is their love, and honour, and obedience ; (even fuch as Hebb, bath taught them in his, Leviathim) But they do not reverence that beam of Divinity which God hath communicated to them in their Authority 3, nor Love their Governors as the Fathers of the Church and. Commonwealth for the common good and the honour of God which they are appointed to promote. 5 . And this felghtufs is the deadly enemy of all right Ad- miniftrations of Juftice, and the due exercife of Authority in Church or Commonwealth. If a Minifter be flit:A , he will be fhifting off the troublefom part of his duty, and will over-rulehis underftanding to believe that it is no duty, be- caufe dif-believing is eafier then obeying. Hewill be forward in thofe duties that are neceffary to his maintenance and ap- plaufe, and are impofed on him by the Laws of men, but out off the Pulpit its little that-he will do : As ifit were the Pulpit only that were Gods Vineyard where he is fet to labor. Flan and blood (hall beconfulted, and men fhall be pleafed and all that the intereft offal may be maintained. And if the People be fe/fiA, they will retell againft their faithfulleft. Guides, and kick againft their doetrine and re- proofs, and fly from Difcipline, which feems to their diftem- pered.- 311