312 Enemy of all Satiety, Relations and Commongood. pered minds tobe again!! them. Let but one moll notoriout, lamentable inftance fuffice. Thegreater 'part of our Parifhi- oners in moft places of the land are lamentably ignorant and carelefs in the matters of their falvation, and all that we can do is too little tobring them to underfland the matters of ab- folute Neceflity : and yet alma all of them are fo much wifer in their own conceits then the ablea of their Teachers, that ifwe do not humor them, and be not Ruledby them inour doctrine and adminiftrations, about Sacraments, Prayer, Bu- rial, and the reit, yea if we obey them not in geflures and forms, they turn their backs upon officers , and ordinances, and the Church it felf , and pour out their reproach upon their Teachers as if we were ignorant in comparifon of them (even of them that know not fo much as children of fe- ven or eight year old thould know.) See here the wonderful, bewitched power of a felfifk difpofition. And in matters of the Commonwealth, what is it more then this I nay what is it beficles this, ,that rnaketh Princes be- come Tyrants, and Rulerskeep under the ordinances, and- in- tereft of Chrift, or fearfully neglect them, and took after the Church in the laft place, when they have nobufinefs of their own to call them off, and to begin tobuild Gods houfe when they have first built their own , not imitating Neberniaks labourers that had the fword in one hand, and the trewel in the other , and builded in their arms ! what elfe makes them give Godbut their leavings who giveth them all ! And what elfe could make them fuch enemies to Truth, as to fide with thofe parties what ever, they be that fide molt with them , and promote their intereft ? And alas what work doth felfiflinefs make with inferior Magiftrates ? It is this only that opens the hand to a Reward, and the ear to the folicitations of their friends ; and its this that perverteth the judgement, and this that oppreffeth the poor and innocent, and this that tyeth the tongues and hands of Justices, fo that abundance of them do little more then poffefs the room, andRand like an armed ftatue ora fign-port, which hurteth none ; Ale-houfes do what their lift for them, and drunkards and fwearets are hold at their nofes, and they are