Enemy of' a Society, Relations andCommongood. 313 are no terror to evil doers, nor revengers to execute wrath up- on them, nor Minifiers that ufe their power for much good,but bear the Sword almoft in vain, contrary to the very nature of of their office, Row, 13 I, 2, 3. 4. And it is felliAsefi in the people that caufech the trouble of faithful Magiftrates : Every man would do what his lift. The worft Offendor abhorres him that would punifh him: And thole that will commend Jnfiice,and cry down vice in the general, yet when they fall under Julitce themfelves, they take all that they fuffer to be injury, and will do all that they can againit Justice and the Officers of it, when it is to defend themfelves or theirs from the execution of it : fo rare a thing is it to meet with a man that is a friend to Laws and Justice, when themfelves muff fuffer by it. 6. Selfifluseft ado makes men. withdraw from all thofe neceffary burdens and duties that are for the prefervation of Church or Commonwealth. Such wretches had rather the Gofpel were thrust out of doors then it fhoulcl coil them much : and had rather have the unworthieft man that would be their Teacher for a little thenallow the bell that main- tenance that the Gofpel doth command, or give them what the Law hath made their Own. They would venture the ruine of Church and State, and let MI tall into the hands of the common enemies, rather then hazard their perfons or lay out their eftates for the common prefervation. So that if the hand of violence didnot fometime fquecze thefe Spunges, and force thefe leeches to difgorge themfelves, theYwould but impoverith the Commonwealth by their riches, and weaken the body like wens or impoltumes by drawing to themfelves. 7. And then the felfifh are fuch caufes of Divifion, that if they did no other harm, theywould break both Church and State into pieces, if their humor were predominant, and not reftrained or purgedour. And in this regard.fe/fiAmpis the direct enemy of societies, and is always at work to diffolve them into independant individuals. A Society is a Political Body which mull havebut one Head, and one Intereft and one End : But whenfelfiihnsfr prevaileth, there are asmany Heads's, S f and