Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

3 i4 .Enemy of all Society, Relations aidCommit: good. and Ends, and Interells as Perfons : If they be in a Church, every one is the Teacher and Ruler : and every one muft have his opinion countenanced , and his humor fatisfied ; Every one muft have his way and will : And how is this poffible when their minds are fo various and contrary to one ano- ther ; and theirInterefts fo inconfiftent,ancl there are as many Rulers as percons : whenevery man is drawing to himfelf, and *here is no center in which they,can unite, what work is there like tobe in the Church ? What progrefs couldbe made in the building of Babel, when no man was ruled by another, but every man ran confufeclly after'his fingie imagination ? what an Army will it be, and how are they-like to fpeed in fight, where every Souldier is inflead of a Captain and General to himfelf, and one runs this way, and another that way, and one will have one courfe taken, and another anot* cotirfe, and every one fighteth on his own head : fuch work cloth fel- fifhnefs make in the Church : It is this that bath broken it into fo many parcels, and would crumble it all to duff if it fhould prevail. And it is this alfo that caufeth the divifions of the Com- monwealth ; fadion riling up againfl fattion , and Prince and People living in jealoufies of each other as haying con. tradidory interefisiwhich would not be if the Pleafingof God, and the common good were the principal End and lntereft of them all, and felfiffinefs did not prevail. And this is it that keepeth Chriftian Princes in moft ungod- ly wars, to the fheddingof Chriftian blood, and the weake ning of the common mtereft and the ftrengthening of the common enemy , whom they fhould all ioyn toge- ther to refill. This alfo keepeth up fo many parties on Religious pretences to feek tthe undermining and mine of each other, when they itiould all joyri together againft the common prophanefs of the world ; and all their conjun endeavours would be too I ale: Thus felfifhnefs is the grand Enemy that by di- vifions and fubdivifions is ftill atwork for the diffolution and wine of Church and State, and the confufion of the world, and,