316 Corrupted; anddeb4feth that it difpofeth of. raign and the Subject, and to make it visible that all might I" 1 underhand it , their Republicks would be Immortal, till either the wrath of a Negleected God or the Power of a forreign enemy fhould diffolve them : For nothing elle but fell' could do it and [elf will not do it when it fees its own intereft fie . in the prefervation of the prefent State. CHAP. LX I X. Corrupteth and debafith all that it diffrofeth of 7. Nother aggravation of the evil of lelfifbnefs is, that It correepteth and dtbafeth every thing that it difpoferk of And on the contrary it is the excellency of fell denial (as joyned with the Love of God) that it reilifieth and enobleth all your aaions. Let the work be never fo Holy in its own nature, yet if you do it but for your felves, you make a prophane employ- ment ofit ; and to you it is not Holy. Afeififh carnal perfon is ferving himfelf even in Preaching, and hearing, and pray7 inv., and Sacraments, and other as of worfhip and Church- communion : Much more in the common bufinefs of his life. Even, when he thinks he is ferving God, he is but ferving himfelf of God, and provoking God by ,this abufe : when he thinks he is very holybecaufe of his fervices, he 13 doubly un- holy, in that he even prophaneth holy things. And as it is not God indeed that he ferveth, fo fromGod he mull not ex- peft a Reward. And as far as a mansfsif and j.74h is below the blefied God, fo far, in a fort, is the work of faffhmen deba- fed, in comparifon of thofe works of theSaints that are per- formed purely for God. They make but a low unprofitable drudgery of that which in the h ands of others is the higheft and nobleft workon earth. For the action can be no better then the End ; and therefore is bale as it is bate. But on the other fide, felf-denial makes noble the a&ions that