Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Coniteth goddebafeth all that it difimfetb of. 371 that in themfelves feem bafe. if you are gone out of your felves, and can truly fay, that it is God you ferve and fed in your employinents, you may be Cure that God will take them for his fervice, and fet them onyou account/ among the works that he hath promifect to reward (fuppoting that the Matter be fuch as hea!lowerh of, and that you think not by good In tentions to turn in to holinefs, and make hires a fervice of that which he forbiddeth.)0 what an honour, what anencourage- ment, what a comfort is this, to every Chriflian I The aftions of a. Prince or Conqueror are bafe, iffilf be their End, and the refped to God do not ennoble them.. And the work of the poorefi perfon is honourable that it , is done for God. It is a great temptation to fome poor Chrifhans to grudgeat .their. condition, becaufe they are fo unferviceable to God. Alas thinks a poor tradefman, or plowman, or fervant, What do I but drudge inahe world ? I have neither parts nor place to do God fervice with I But fuch do very much miftake the matter. It is not the parts and place but the hearty performance of your works for God that makes them fuch as he will take for fervice. 0 thinks a poor woman or toiling fervant ; I can do nothing either for the Converfion of fouls, or the good of Church or Commonwealth, but am made unferviceable : But doyou not know that any thing is acceptable fervice which God commandeth, and is heartily intended to his honour. and his Pleafure : It is not the mettle but the {tamp of the Prince that makes a piece to be currant money. If the Kings Ramp wereput by his appointment on a piece of brafs or copper, it would pafs for coin. Believe it firs, ifyour fiudy be to Pleafe the Lord in your callings, &you can but get aboveyow and do the Weft fervile works, as commandedyou by God, that you may he Accepted by him , and offer your favor and all your labours purely tohim,andto his honour, and his will, God will take thefe for honourable fersiites; and you are as truly at his work even in your chops and fields as Princes are. in rauling,or Paftors in teachingor guiding the flock:you thaaare poor, and cannot fet fo much time apart for reading and other holy duties as fome other do , fee that you neglea no holy op- portunity that you can take, and than confider, that if God S 3 fa: