318 Corrapteth and dtbajeth ald that it difpfetb fet you todo.him fetvice even bywaThing diihes, or fweeping channels, or the meaneft drudgery, he wilt accept it ; and the more by how much the more humble lubmiflion and felf-denial is found in it. Take him as the only Lord and Mailer of your fouls and lives all that you have, and when you are called to your aily labour, lookbut to your hearts that God be your End, and that you can truly fay, [I do not this principally to provide for my fell, but as an obedi- ent child inmy Fathers fervice, becaufe he bids me do it, and it is pleating tohim through Chrift ; I do it not principally from fi/jr-icve, but from the Love of God that commanded' me my work ; andas a traveller that laboureth in his way for the love of his home , fo I am here at labour in this world in the place that God bath fet me, that I may in his appointed way attain the everlalling glory that he hath promifed] I fay, do but to fee to it, that thus you dedicate your labors to God,and you may rake comfort in the daily labours of your lives, even the meaneft and molt contemptible as well as Princes and Preachers may in their more honourable works. Nay all your labours are honoured and fanaified by this For all is Holy that is heartily devoted to God, upon his invitation. And thus all things are pure to thepure. For it is Gods intereft in your work that is theholinefs and excellencyof them. Were servants and laboiring people more Holy and felf-denying, they might have More true comfort in their daily labour, then the heft of the unfanftified can have from their prayers or other worfhip of God. Not that worfhip may be therefore neg- lthed,but that a Chriftian muff do nothingat all but for God ; and then he may be Pure of Gods Acceptance. CHAP.