320 Deny Selfor your will deny Cbrlfl. But felf-denial maketh fuffering light, and will make you with that you had any thing worth the reigning unto Chrift, and any thing by the denial whereof you might ferve him. For himyouwould fuller the lofs of all things, and account them drofs arid dung that you may win him. Phil. 3. 8. He will count us worthy of the Kingdom for tirlokh we Mir, 2 'Md. 1.5. As the Captainof our falvation was made perfeti bj Heb. z. io. fo alto mull his members, by filling up the *galore, and beingmade partakers of kis freferingr and knowing the f ell,w1hip of them, 2 Cor. I. 5.6, 7. Phil. 3. 10, And the god of all grace, who loath called us into his eternal glory by Ckrill Was after we have!offereda while, will make us perfe liable, firengthen andferns as, I Pet. 5.1o. If therefore you would not prove Apaates , and deny Chrill ina day oftrial, andbe denied by him before his rather and the holy Angels, fee that you now learn this needful leffon of denial. / 7 - 11 I1,1 0 41 a6 ele4 /z/ /1I/1nd