Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

0 The PO deal worfe with God then with Satan. CHAP. L XXI. The ['Oh deal flierfe with God then with Satan. o. rOnfkier alfo that felgh Carnal men deal wort with God, then they do with the Deviland fin it [elf. God offereth them Chrift and pardon, and eternal life if theywill but deny themfelves in a thiugof nought, and theywill not be ruled or perfwaded by him : The Devil offereth them but the delights of the flefh,and the pleafures of fin for a fea- fon and they will deny ten thoufand fold more for this. Theywill deny God their Maker and Redeemer, their Lord and Judge their Preferver and their hope : though he have the only Title to them, and their lives and fouls be in his hand : They will for the fake ofa filthy luft, or ofa short and miferable life , deny him that never did them wrong, nay that hath alwayes (hewed them kindnefs, even all the kindnefs that ever they received 3 and that when they know that their everlafting ftate muff fland or fall a ccording to his judgement. They will deny theLord Jefus the Redeemer of their fouls : They will deny and refift the holy fpirit of God : They will deny his Laws, his Gofpel-promifes , and all his Mercies : They will deny his Ivlinifters and all their perfwafions and dai- ly labours : They will deny their deareft Chriitian friends, and deny their own Confciences and Convictions and deny themfelves the Peace and Joy which they might find in a holy walking .with God : Yea they will deny them- felves everlafting life, and the favour of God and caft themfelves into endlefs mifery; and for all this wiling that is ten thoufand times worfe then nothing , or for a very fenfual brutifh pleafure. And yet thefe men cannot deny themfelves in life or liberty , in gain , or honour, no nor in the filthieft lulls for the fake, of Chrift and their own falvation Even when they may know that they mot' deny therufelves when they will not deny themfelves. T t They 321