-----77170elfit.felf; is theforeft plague. 323 CHAP. LXXII. TObe left to [elf, is theforefl plague. Io. T Afily, remember, that to be given over to our felves is the heaviefi plague on thisfide Hell: And therefore he that delighteth not to be miferable fhouldnot define to be felflfh. To be given over to theLove of your felves, is to turn from the Loveof the bleffedGod to the Love of a filthy finner, and fo to forfeit Gods love to you. To be given over to care for your felves, is to forfeit the fatherly care ofGod, and be at the care of a filly infufficient im- provident (inner. To be given over toyour own Conceits or Wifdom, is to be forfaken of the Sun, and left in dark- nefs, and fpend the reit of your dayes in a dungeon, the beginning of the endlefs utter darknefs. To be given over to your own wills, is tobe at the choice and difpofal ofa fool and of an enemy ; and to be in fuch hands as will cer- tainly undo you, and to be call out of the hands of God : Tobe given over to (eels, your felves, is to lofe your felves andGod, and you falvation.To be given over to live as your own,;s to forfeit the Protection of God, whithout which you cannot be kept an hour out of hell. To be given over to the defending of your felves, and delivering your felves in dan- ger of- foul and body, is even to be expofed to certain and perpetual perdition. To be given over to be ruled by your felves, is to be relinquifhed as Rebels, and expofed to the tyranny of fin and Satan. So that in all things it is reoft certain, that you are never well but in the hands of God, and never fo ill as whenyou are moil in 'your own hands. In Paradife innocent man was wholly at the Government of God : and when by cailng off his Government he had for- feited the benefit of it , the aloft of the world became even brutifh: And when God had owned the Government of lfi-ael above other Nations,and kept the choice of the Sove- raign under him in his own hands, at lait the foolithpeo- T t z pie