Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Ten Direitions toget Pelf-610141. CH AP. 125 Ten Directions to get felf-dexpl. I V . Come now to the tall part of my task, which is to tell you,what courfe you should take to procure feif-denyal. For though it be the gift of God, yet there are certain means appointed us for the attainment of it, and God ufeth to give it men in the ufe ofhis means, and by thofe means mull it be confirmed and conti- nued.. Direelion 1. Set faith awork upon the promifes ofGodand ;Ion everlalling life : For the 1-7 leAwill not be taken off thefe lower things till you have found out better and fuch as will be lure to fave you harmlefs. The molt coveteous man would let go silver ifhe may have gold inflead of it. Set faith a pleading the cafe with the flefh : and urge your own hears with the Certainty , the Neernefs , the Glory the Eternity of the Kingdom which by f elf-de- nyal you may attain ; and if they will not yield to fuch a .change as this they are unreafonable unbelieving hearts. Dire Et. 2. Never .be deluded to forget the vanity, the brevi- ty, and the emptinefs and irifitificiency, , ofall thefe earthly thins, which felf fo adhereth to as to neglect the promifed life' of bleffednefs. Acquaint your own hearts what a nothing it is that they make fo much of , follow fo greedily and hold fo fait ? thew them in te Santluary the glafs of theword ofGod which will tell them what will be the end of all and where all their worldly profperity will leave them ? Ask your hearts, [ Can I keep thefe things for ever ; or not ? If not ? is it not better let them go for -Comething, then for nothing ; and to part with them as a child at the command, of myheavenly father, then to part with them as, a thief cloth withhis prize, at the Gallows? Is it not better let them go to eafe me, and to fecure my eter- T t 3 nal