3 7 6 Ten Direaions toget felf-ehxyal. nal peace, then let them go to wound me amt torment me ! And v4-hile I keep them, what will they do forme, that I fhould buy them at fo dear a rate! 0 how dear mull I pay for my cafe, and honour and gluttony and drunkenefs and fenfual delights, if I part not with them when God corn- mandeth ? How cheap is a holy bleffed life in comparifon of this which I mull pay fo dear for 0 Dired.;. To promote your felf-denyal, Confider frequently and ferioafly,who God is ' and to what end he maae,redeemed, fu- flaineth and &vaned° the world: And then bethink yon, whe- ther it be meet that this Gloriotu GodAmidbe neglected , and fralirated of the end of all there works ! and whether any thing befides him be fit to be the creatures end. You think it meet that every workman fhould have the ufe of his ownwork. Dothany man make a houfe for its own fake or for his ufe do dwell in I Is it for the things fake that any man makes an inflrurnent , or for his fervice by it ; Do you think that God made you for your felves : and not for hirnfelf and fervice ? give therefore to God the things that are Gods : All fouls arehis, and therefore all fhould acknowledge him, and fubmit to his difpofe and pleafure. Shall the pot quarrel with the Potter,or claim title to it fell and fay, ',ammine own ? It is againfl the clearell reafon in the world, that any but the Creator, Redeemer and Preferver of the world fhould be Lord, and the Governour and the end ofit ; and that men fhould prefer themfelves before him. Dired. 4. Moreover it will further your feif-denyal to remember what yea will get byfelPnels : God will have his Ends andHonour out of you one wayor other,whether you will or no ; He will have your goods from you, and your lives from you ; and the falter 3 ou hold them, the moreyou will fuller whenhe wrimgeth themout of your hands. The molt covetous man would part with his money to buy a Lordfhip, if he knew it would elfe be taken from him : A worldly treafure is obnoxious to ruff, and mothes, and Thieves : and if you exchange it not for the heavenly trea- lure in times and remove not your riches. to the world that you