Ten Diraclions toget felf-deny41. 327 you mull for ever live in, what will you do when you mull remove your felves ? And all your feif-denyal is but fuch an exchange or removal which all fhould be glad of that know they mull be gone themfelves ; Nay more, confider ftill that fe/fifhneff makes you an Idol to your feif, and there- fore you do but fet up your felves as a Mark for the jea- lous God to (hoot at, and every hour you have reafon to expel that the terrible hand of juflice fhould lay hold upon you, and try you at the barr of that God whofe prero- gativeyou didufurp. Dired. 5. And it may much further your feif-denyal to take a confiderate Purvey of the world, and lee but what [elf- feeking loath already done, and it filldoing in it. What a dole- full fight of wickednefs, confufion and mifery mull you fee, which way ever you look : and all is moll evidently the fruit of je/fiAneff. Me thinks it fhouldwaken every fober man againft it, that Aoth but obferve what work it hath made; that feeth fi4iilies difordered and ruinedby it;Neigh- bOurs fet in cliffenlion by it ; Churches divided by it ; difhonoured by it ; and multitudesof them that feem to be Religious, to be be fo lamentably deceived and en- flayed by it : Princes and great men blinded by it ; Judges and Learned men befooled by it and the Nations of the world almoll all fet together by the ears by it : So that it bath turned the world into the confufion of Babel, that no man can underfland a word of the language that tendeth to Unity , Peace and building up : Princes under- hand it not : too many Preachers underfland it not; but the language of fcorn and firife and diffention they underfland : fo that the world is call all into a hurly burly, andevery mans hand is againft his brother when he fcarce knows why. No Church or State can 'land without di- ilurbance : No truths without contradiction : Under pre- tenceof coming in to Chrill, they are bufily uncovering his houfe, when the door is wide open, and there are more to invite them then to hinder them.Me thinks as a man thatob- ferveth the carriageof mad men or drunken men, fhouid never have anymind tobe mad or drunken, fo he that ob- ferveth