32,8 Ten Divalions to get fell-do:yd. fervethbut whatfelf-feekiaghath done in the world, mould have little mind tobefeibconceited, felf-willed orfeif-feeking, but Mould love and honour felf-dospl. Dire& 6. if you would promote felfebnyal , keep with you the continuall feeling of your own sinwort kinefs and infitffi- ciency : No man will truft upon a broken flaffif he know it; nor be fo foolifh as to go about to walk upon the water, which he knows will not hear him. One would think this fhould be an eafie and an effectual remedy. Should it not be eafie for fuch wretched finners as we to carry about with us a fenfe our unworthinefs ? For fuch Lepers to carrry about afenfe of, our uneleannefs : Me thinks fo many and great difeafes lhouldmake us feel them. 0 then confider, as creatures you are utterly infufficient for your felves ; and as finners much more. God never made you to live upon or to your felves ; or without him,, or without the helfof others. There are few beafts when they are firil brought forth into the world,but are more able to help them- felves then man ; When he is newly born,he can do nothing to help himfelf. And when he comes to age he is naturally formed to a fociable life ; fo that if he should retire from the world, and live only by and off himfelf, he would loon findwhat it is to be felfifh Much more if he be left to him- felf by God, or forfake God,and truft to and depend upon himfelf. But if ever innocent man had been fufficient for himfelf yet finfoll man can have no pretence to fuch a pTiviledge, while he beareth about him fo many convin- cing evidences of the contrary, every day. Doyounot feel fin as a heavyburden preffing youdown, and perceive how eafily it entangleth andbefetteth you ? fureyou do, if you be not pall feeling. And doyou not know enough of the nature and defert of fin, to drive you out of your felves, and bring you to him that calleth the weary and heavy laden to come tohim for eafe and reit, M4.11.28. Do you not feel a continual burden of infirmities ? and doth not experience tell you that you are not fufficient to relieve your felves in any pain or ficknefs that cloth befall you? you cannot fupport your felves a moment you are