330 Ten Directions to get felf-dexy41. der your fenfitive appetite, and fubdue the eager defires of the flekand learn to want as well as to abound, to be emp- ty as well as to be full you will never attain to felf denyal. Direct. 8. To promote your felf-denyal , me thinks it should be effectual to underflard thegreat advantage that-you have by the Communion and Sder, whichyou enter into when you deny your[elves. Though a Prince or Lord would be loth to enter into a Colledge or Monaftery where there's no Propriety, and yet withal!, no care or want ; yet a poor labouring man or a beggar would be glad of fuch a life. So you that cannot liveof your felves,me thinks should beglad of fuch a COMM101.1y. x . Confider that the Lord Jefus is theHead of the Socie= ty, who hath undertaken to make provifion for the whole, and is engaged for their fecurity , and to Pave them harm- lefs : and all the riches of his grace and love belong to that fociety, and will be yours ; which is more then all that you can part with of your own yea more then all the- treafures of the world. It' is __therefore the noblell and richeft fociety in theworld that you fhalilive in communion. with, ifyou will denyyour felves. 2. And the Saints that are the members of that Society are the brethren of Chrift and the heirs of heaven. And all thefe are your Brethren; endeared in fpecial love to you, engaged to alba you, by prayers, and counfel, and painsand purfe,and everyway that you can: fo-that well might Ora fay that, he that forfaketh any thing for him., than receive even an hundred fold in this life,: and in theworld to come eternal life. For this one furry felt' that you forfake and its poor accommodations., you , have God for your Father and Chrift for your Head, and theHoly Ghoil for your Candi- tier and comforter, and the Scripture for your guide, and Saints for your Brethren , and Aiiiiants, en- gaged to you in truer-anddearer love then your unfandlifi- ed friends that call you off for the fake of Chrill. And had `you rather be toiling and caring for your felves , then let goftlf and enter into fo bl.effed a Community, where you may