Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

"Teti Direolions toget_fig.-de/14i. 331 may call all your care awayupon God, who bath promifed to care for you ., and may feed your felves in the `daily de- forethoughts oflife eternal ? Dire& 9. And me thinks it fhould much promote your fell`-deuyal , to fisedy well the felf-denying example of Cbrifl, and his eminent firvants that have troden in his Peps. Chrift had no finfull felf to deny ; nor any corrupted flefli to morrtifie or fubclue. And yet he had a felf-denyai in which we mull imitate him : Rom. 15. 3. For even Chrifi plealed not krnfelf, but as it is written,The reproaches f them that reprolched thee arefain aspen me.] We are told therefore by Chrills example, that it is not only the pleating offetf as corrupted by fin, but alfo a pleating ofnatural felfin things where God may lay a reflraint on it, or put it to the tryal, that we mutt avoid,and in whi4i wemoil denyour felves Even as Adam was to have denyed his natural appetite be- fore fin had corrupted it, and Chrift had an innocent natu- ral will ofwhich yet hefaith, [ Not my will,but thine be done.] His whole life was a wonderfull example offelf-denyal : He lived in ..a low eftate and denyed himfelf of the glory and riches of the world, andbecame poor, though he were Lord of all, that by his povertywe might be made rich, 2 Car. 8, g. He lived under the reproach of tuners ; of finners that he cre- ated : offinners whom he dyed for : He would wear no Crown,but a Crownof Thorns : He would wear no Robes bnt theRobes of their reproach : He yielded his cheeks to be finitcen,and his face to be fpit upon by the vileft (inners, whom he could with a word have turned into hell. And at WI he gave himfelf for us on the Crofs in fuffering a re- proachhill curfed death, He6.7. 27. Tit. 2. 14 .Eph.5.2.2. 25. Gal 1.4. And can you read fuch an example of felf- denyal, given you by the Lordof glory, and not be trans- formed into the image of it ? I think the,itucly of a felf-ide- syin,z Chrift is one of the molt excellent helps to felf-denyal. Take it from the Apottlehimfelf, Phil. 2. I, 2,3, 4, 5,6,7,8. [Fulfillye my joy,thatye be like-minded, having the fame love, being of one accord, of one mini; let nothing be don,- throsio,-h ftri/e or vainglory, but it lowlinefs of mind let each elleern other better Uu 2 then