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Ten Dire ions to get felf-denyah than thetnfelves Look not every man onhk own things, but eve- ry man alfe ON the things of others. Let this mixol be in you which :vat alfo in Chrifi ?elms ; who being in the form ofGod, thought it no robbery to be equal withGod ; but made binerat of no reputation and took_ upon him the Prmof a fervant,and wat made in the likenefs of men, andbeing. founl in Albion ore a man, be humbled htmfilf and became obedient unto death, even the deathof the Croft : Wherefore god a:fobath highly exalted him] [ Look, therefore unto7efus the Author and Finilher of our faith, wbo for thejoy that was fet before him endured the Croft,defpifing thefhame,and u fet downat the right handof the throne ofGod: Confider him that enduredfurhcontradittions of powersagainfi himfelf , left ye be wearied and faint in your minds,] Heb. 12, 2, 3, 4. Di reft. i o. But the greateft help to felf-denyal is, To re- tire from the Creature into God, and tve in the love ofbine, and employ the foul continually upon him. Men will not be frightned from felf-Love. It muff be another more power ful Love that muff draw them from it. And that can benone but theLove of God. Whenyou have foundly difcerned a furer friend them felf, awifer, a better, an abler Governour and Defender , and one that much more deferveth all your Love andCare; then youwill turn away from felf,and' never till then. See therefore that you efpoufe no Intereft but God ; and then you will have nothing to call you from him : Let Love fo clofe you with him and uniteyou to him , that youmay knowno Happinefs but his Love and Glory, and fee with no other Light then his : and know no wilt but the will of God ; nor meddle with any work which for mat- ter and end you cannot call the workof God. Then you have indeed denyed your felves when you are nothing have nothing, and do nothing,, but asfrom God, and by him and for him : Own not any felf but in and for God,and thenyou may love and feek it fteely ; or this is to be called a loving and feekingof Godand not ofPelf. Own not any Knowledge, but that which is from the Light of God,by his word,, works, Spirit and Ordinances,and which leadeth you to. God. inHolinefs and Peace,and guidethyou in his fervice, and 1