Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

T'ext Diralions toget felf-deny41. 333 and then you need not eondemn your felves of fell:con- ceitedneff, or a feltfh underflanding. Know not any will in your felves, but that which is muted the will of God, and directedby it , and intended to fulfill it ; So that you maybe able to fay of every defire of your foul, I defire this becaufe that Godwould have medefire it, and I am refol- ed to follow his will in the feekingof it, and the end of my defire is that t may pleafehim, and.his will may bedone and then youmay fay, you have conqueredfelf-will. 0 fee then that yoube more with God : and Rudy his Mind and Will,his Excellency,Sufficiency andLove, and remember that you area dependent being,that are nothing but in &by him, & therefore ihould know no intereft but him & hisIntereft, nor poffefs any thing but for him, nor know any will or way but his will and way, and fo let /oil bepors, andpros be hie, by a holy refignation, conformity, and fubferviency unto his and this is the true retlitude and holinefs ofman , this is a finding our felves by lofing our felves ,. and the only caving and exalting of our felves by denying our felves. Nothing but the tight of God will wafter felf-conceit- ednefi : and nothing but the love ofGod trill overcome Pelf love: andnothing but a union and clofure with the will of God will overcome felf-will : andnothing but an efkoeifisse and intending God and lou intereft will caufe a true denyal of carnalfelf-inte- reft and nothing but a feeking of God,tonverfing 41 with him, and living to him ,voill cure the foul of felt -Peeking and an un- godly andunprofitable living toourJetties. One other Diretlion i fhould add, which is to be alwayes jealous and fufpicious of felf ; but this will fall in the Con- clufion. u The