331 The concNion. The ('onclu /on, T Have now finithed what I had to fay to youon this great I and needfull fubjed : And I have flayed the longer on it, that I might occafion your own thoughts to be the longer on it : For it is not a fewbatty running thoughts that will make anygteat impreflion on thefoul Andnow,Chriftian friends, whoever you are that hear or read thefe words, I earnefily intreat you in the name of God that youwill fet your hearts to the deep confideration of the nature and odioufnefs of this fin offelfiihnefr ; and of the natureand neceffity of/dic- k/op/. You will never effaitially hate and refill the fin which on thing lightlyof rid is not in any great difcredit , with you ; no w 1 you fly from it with fear and fare and vi- gilancy,till you 'end the dangeroufnefs ofit, I havenot only told you, but ved it to you ; that this is one of the molt odious and danger s fins in the world,even the fum of all iniquity, that containeth a thoutand fins in thebowels of it : This is it that generateth ,er vices, and fills the worldwith fwarms ofmifchief. test this /fifhweft that corrup- teth all eita and diftracieth focie ies, and difturbeth all affairs. N < ve 1 k furthers caufe of our cala,- mittes t is that ufet mifcarriages and negli- gence of the Princes, Governours ncl. Magifirates of the world, while they lookall at their own Interefl, and little at the things ofJefus Chrift, or at leaft prefer themfelves be- fore him. It is felf that caufeth the difobedience offubjecis, while they judge themfelves capable of cenfuring their Ru- lers for matters that are beyond their reach; and grudge at all' neceffary burdens for the commongood , becaufe they are alittle pinched by them.It is (eif that bath kindled the mi- ferable wars that are laying wafle fo many Countreys, and that makes fuck woefUll havock in the world. It is /elfthat bath fo lamentably abufed Religion, and introduced fo many fantaftical felf-conceits under the name of high Scholaftical fubtilties : and that bath let in fo many errors in doctrine and