Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

?he conclufion. 335 and wbrfhip, and defiled Gods Ordinances, and corrupted and almoff extinguifhed the Difcipline of Chrift in the Church. It isPelf that bath caufed the leaders of the Al., femblies, that should be extemplary in Unity and Holinefs and induftry, tobe fome of them idle and negligent , and fome of them carnal and vicious, and fo many of them in difcord and fierce oppofition ofone another : So that every man that is grown up to a high degree of wifdom in his own eyes ( and fuch Degrees are foon attained ) is prefently venting his own conceits, and perhaps pub- lifhing them to the world and feeking out an adver- fary to fhew his manhood upon, and reviling all that are not of his opinion ; as if therewere no difficulty inthe matter, but bl is Learned and Wife,and thev are all unlearned and and ignorant : he is Orthodox, and they are Hereticks, or what his pride and f elf-conceitednefs is pleated to call is this felfifhplefr that makes even Godly Miniflers theDividers of the Church, the reproachof their holy Calling, the Oc- cafion of the increafe of triumph of the adverfaries, and the caufes of no fmall part of all our unreformednefs, di= Itracctions and calamity, ., -andlhe refuters and refifters ofthe Remedies that are tcriderech forHealing an d Reformation. I dare boldly fay, ifsthis (inefin werebutpotedout of the hearts of the Minifterashe Telves that are the Preachers of felf-denyal,it would make fo dden and wonderful a change in the Church, as would be t e glory of our Profefflon, the joy of the godly, and the admiration of all 1 0 happy and honourableMagiftrates at Court and Countrey, if [elf' were but throughly conquered and denyed I 0 happy and reverend Miniftry, the pillars of religion the honour of the Church, if it were not for the fharnefull prevalency of felf : ,0 happy Churches, happy Ci:ies, Corporations, Soci- eties and Countreys were isnot for felf I But alas,this it that faddeth ourhearts and makes us look for more and more fad tidings concerning the affairs of the Church, from all parts of theworld ; or fruftrates our hopes, when we look for better. 'For wt we know on the one fide, that without fell:den)al there will never be true 'Reformation or Unity ; neither