The Preface. Commandment in a double refpea, according to the double re e51. of the Commandment. i. In refped to God , whore Governing Authority is exercifed by Ge.vernours, their Power being a beamof his Majefty , the fifth Commandment requireth us to deny our [elves byduefubje&i in,and by honouring our Superiours ; that is, to deny our ownairing defires, and our refraitory minds,and dif- obedient felt-wiliedneis, and to take heed that TOP I,9fr not within us, any proud or rebellious di fimfitiens or thoughts, that wouldlift 1,f,s up above our Rulers, or exempt us from fubjec7ion to them. 2. In reffea to humane Societies, for whole Good Authority and Government is appointed, the fifth Commandment ubligeth us to deny our Private intereft, and in all competitions to prefer the pub- lickgood : and maketh apromife of temporalpeace and welfare in a fpecial manner to thole that in obedience to this Law, do prefer the Homarof Government, and the Poblick Peace and welfare, before their Own. Thus Charity as oppofed to Sehifhnefs,andin- -eluding Self-denyal, is the very fum and fulfilling of the Law And ,,c1fifbnefs is the radical comprehenfive fin (containing on- charitablenefs) which breaks it all. And as the Law, fo alfo the i?ekemer, in his Example and his Marine, loth teach us, and that more plainly and urgently, thu lefen of Self-denyal. The life of Chrift is thepattern Which the Churchmutt labour to imitate : And Love andself- denyal were the fummary of his life : Though yet he haolvo finful fell to de= ny, , but only natural Self. He denyedifmtkff in avoiding fin ; but we muff deny our (elves in returning froth it. He loved not his Life, in cornparifon of his^ love to his- Father , and to his Church. wHe appearedwitho*difii4ibte fom or comlinefs 1-16 was defpifedand rejected often; titian of furrows, and ac- quainted with grief: he bore 'din- griefs, and carryed our for- rows, and was efteemed ftrickeri, frnittenof God and affiitled he was wounded for our tranfgreffions , he was bruifed for our iniquities ' . the chdtizernent of our peace was laid upon him : theLordlaid upon him the iniquity of us all. He was op- preffed and affi; &led , yet he opened not his mouth ; he is brought as a Lamb to the (laughter, and as a illeep before her Cheerers is dumb, fo he openednot bit tnouth. He was taken from prifon and from judgement -- he was cut off out of (d z) the