-------Thecto Jon, 337 we are inthe fight of the havock it bath made , and Hand in the fieldamong thofe that it bath (lain , and fee the Church of God fo horribly abufed by it:when then (hall it beforfaken ! I here intreat every man that loveth his prefent or everlafting Peace, and the Peace of the Church or Common-wealth, that he will refolve upon a deadly enmity with this fe/fiAxeft in himfelf and others ! And that you will fufpeel it, and watch againft it in every workyou have to do. Are you upon any imployment fpiritual or fecular ? Prefently enquire when you fet upon it, [Is thereno felf-:stereo and felfifb difpofition lurking here ? How far is my own worldly, flefhly ends or profperity concerned in it ? j And if you difcover that felt' is any wayconcerned in it ; I befeechyou fufpdt it, and fol- low filfwith an exceeding watchful! eye ; and when you have done your beft,it is ten toone but it will over-reach you. 0 look to it that you be not enfnared before you are aware. Take heedof it, efpecially you that are great and honourable, and have fo much feifixterefl to tempt you in the world ! How hardly will you efcape ! When all other enemies are conque- red, youhave yet felf the greateft enemy to overcome. Take heedof it ; you that have any riling thriving project , little know you on what a precipice you nand Take heed of it you that are in deep and pinching wants , left felf make them Teemmore grievous then they are, and provoke you to ven- ture upon fin for your relief. Take heed all you that have ragingappetites or paffions,or luftfull inclinations, and remem- ber your enemy is now difcovered, and you have him to deal withbeforeyour face: and therefore fee that you be refolute and vigilant. Take heed all you that have Learning, Parts, or fame and honour, or any thing that filf hath to glory in and to abufe, left the nobleft gifts fhould by this deadly prin- ciple be turned into a plague to the Church, and toyour fouls. Sufpeet feif in the choice ofyour parties and opinions Sufped it inyour publick labours ; yea and in your private duties, and greateft diligence in Religious Works ; left when your eyes are opened at laft it fhould appear , that you preached , or prayed, or profeffed, or wrote, or lived for felf, and not for God. I do but tranfcribe the counfel to you, that God is X daily