3 The concltifion. daily giving in to my own foul : and as I feel exceeding great ufe of it to my felf fo I am fure there is to others : and wo to me andyouif we take it not, and be not found among the' filf-denjing. Doubtlefs Godwill put you to the tryal, and findyou frequent ufe for this grace. Let me take the boldnefs to tell you frommy own ( though alas too frnall ) experience, that as it is meerfe/Moeff that is the perplexer and difquieter ofthe mind, vithout which nothing that befalls us could dif- compofe it ; fo it is God only tat quiets it, and gives it refit: And I blefs the Lord I can truly fay, that I have found that content in loving and clofing with the will of God , and en- deavouring to know no intereft but his, to difquiet or quiet me, which I never could find in any other way. When God is enough for us, and his will is in our eyes, the will ofa Father infinitely good, it may fatisfie the foul in the darkeft condition ; when we underhand not the partitular meaning of his providence, nor what he is doing with us, yet fill we may be lure that he is doing is good : And therefor child may not only fubrnit to the Will of God, becaufe it cannot be refilled, as enemies mini be forced to do; ut he mayRefLin that will as the Center- of his defires, and the-very facity and Heaven of his foul. And now Sirs, I mull let go this fubjed, as to you that have beard it preacht,for we mull not be alwayes on one thing : but I am exceedingly afraid left I have loft my labour with molt of you and (hall leave you as fe/fijh as I found you ; becaufe fad experience tells me, that it is fo natural andobliinate an ene- my that I have difcovered, and that you have.tow to fet your felves againft. I have done my work ; butfelf bath not done, but is fill at work in you. cannot now go home with every one of you, but feif will go home with you. I cannot beat hand with every one of you, when the next temptation comes, but feif will be at hand to draw you to entertain it., When you are next tempted to error, topride, to luft,to con- tentionwith your brethren bywords or real enjuries, what will you do then , and howwill you {land againft this enemy ? lf Godbe not your Intereft , and the deareft to your fouls, and you fee not with his light, and will not by his Will, and [elf-