Spirit. So naturebreaks and cafisaway the shell, Where the now-beauteousPinging bird did dwell The fecundine that once the infant cloath'd, After the birth, is call away and loath'd. ThusRotes drop their fweet leaves under-foot ; But the Spring fhew's that life was in the root. Souls are the Roots of Bodies : Chrift the Head Is Root of both, and will revive the dead. Our Sun fhinethwhenwith us its night : When he return's, we fhall thine in his light. Souls that behold and praife God with the kilt, Mourn not becaufe their bodies are but duff. Graves are but beds where flefh till morning fleep's Or Chefts where God a while our garments keep's. Our folly thinks he fpoils them in the keeping ; Which caufeth our exceflive fears and weeping But God that doth our rilingday forefee : Pittie's not rottingMil fo much as we. The birth of Nature was deform'd by fin : The birth of Gracedid our repair begin The birthof Glory at the Refurreftion Finifheth all, and brines bo:h toperfection. Why fhould not fruit when it is mellow fall ? Whywould we linger here when God cloth call ? Flefh. The things andperfons in this worldIfee ; But after death Iknow not what Will be.. Spirit. Knowl thounot that which Godhimfelf hath fpoken ? Thouhaft his promife which was never broken. Reafon proclaims that noble heav'n-born fouls, Are made for higher things than worms and moles. Cod hathnot made fuch faculties invain, Nor made his fervice a deluding pain. But Faith refolves all doubts, and hears the Lord Telling us plainly byhis holyWord, That