Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

That uncloath'd fouls (hall with their Saviour dwell, Triumphing over fin, and death, andhell. And by the power of Almighty Love Stars thall arife from graves to Thine above. There we shall fee the Glorious face of God : His bleffed prefence (hall be our abode : The face that banitheth all doubts and fears; Shuts out all fins, and dryeth up all tears. That face whichdarkeneth the Sunsbright rayes, Shall thine us into everlafting joyes. Where Saints and Angels (hall make up one Chore , To praife the Great jekovah evermore. Flefh. Reafon not with me againft fight andfenfe : Idoubt all this is but a vainpretence. Wordsaping natureare not worth a rulh : One bird in hand is worth two in the bulk If God will give me Heav'n at laft, I'le take it': But for my pleafure here I'le not forfake it. Spirit. And wilt thoukeep it ? brutith flefh howlong ? Wilt thou notihortly fing another tong ? whenConfcience is awakened, keep thy mirth I When Sicknefs andDeath comes,hold fait this earth : Live if thoucanft when God faith, Come away : Try whether all thy friends can caufe thy flay. Wilt thou tell death and God, thouwilt not die ? And wilt thou the'confuming fire defie ? Art thou not fure to let go what thou haft ? And dodi not Reafon bid thee then forecaft And value the leaft hope of endlefs joyes Before known vanities and dying toyes? And can the Lord that is molt juft and wife, Found all mans duty in deceit and lies ? Paffengers care not fo the was fair ; Husbandmen would have the belt groundandair. Firft think what's fafe and fruitful : There's no pleafure Like the beholdingof thy chiefePc treafure Flefb,