Who is my Life, and Light, and Love, andAll, And fo fhallbe whatever ihall befall. It is not thou, but I that muff; difcern, And mull Refolve : Its I that hold the (tern Be fluent FleJh ; fpeak not againft my God Or elfe hee'l teach thee better bythe rod. I am refolved thou shalt live and die, A fervant, or a conquered enemy. T Ord charge not on me what this rebell fayes, y That alwaies was againft me and thy wayes 'Vowflop its mouth by Grace, that fhortlymug Through jolt but gainful death, be ftopt with duff. The thoughtsandwords of FleJh are none of mine : Let FleJh fay what it will, Iwill be thine. Whatever this rebellions Veil; 'ball prate, Let me butferve thee Lord, at any rate. Vfeme on earth as reemeth good to thee , So I in Heal/n thy Gloriousface mayfee. Take downmy Pride ; let me dwell at thyfeet : The humbleare for earth andheav'nmoft meet. Renouncing FleJh, 7 Vt973, myfelf to thee, With all the Talents thou haft lent to me. Let me not flickat honour,wealth or blood : Let allmy dales be 'pent in doinggood. Let me not trifle out moreprecious hours ; Butferve thee nowwith all myftrength andpowers. If Flefh fhouldtempt meto deny my hand; Lordthefe are the Refolves to which Ifiand October 29, 1659. Richard Baxter.