Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Preface. .quicquid in nos adulatio fine pudore congeftit, tanquam debi- turn prehendimus Optimos nos effe, fapientiffimofq e affir mantibus affentimus, quum fciamus illos fzpe multa nentiri. Adeo quoque indulgemus nobis, ut laudari velimus i id, cui ,contrariamaxime facimus. ] Evenproud men would be railed for Humility, and covetmmen for Liberality,andfoohfo dam, and ignorant menfor Learning , and treacherous hypoerites for fincerity and plain honefty ; and few of the befl- do heartily difiajte their own commendations, or ref/4[e any thing thats offered them, thoughbeyond defert. But if they think are lightly or hardly thought of, or bear of any thatfpeakagainft them, ordif- honour them in the eyes of men, you fhall fee how little they can deny themfelves. 0 how the hearts of many that feerned godly men, ',vialvell aping them that llmakto their diffraragement ? What uncharitable, unchriftion deportment, will a little injury produce ? What bitter words ! What efirangednefs , onel dii flon, if not plain hatred, and reviling , and revenge ! Tea, it werewell ( incomporifim ) if a due Reproof,from neighboursor fromMinifiers ( that are boundto do it by the Lord ) would no draw forth thisfecret Venom, and "hell' the world the fcarcity of felf-denyal. Let others ffieak,never fa well of God, and of all good men, and be never fo faithful or ferviceable in the Church , yet if theydo but fpeakillof them ( though its like defervedly and juftly ) thefe felfifh men cannot abide them. By this you may perceive what intereft is firongeft with them ; were they carryed Hp from themfelves by the Love of God , they would delight to hear thePraife of God, andof their Brethren , and be afraid to hear their own ; and fay from their hearts , Not unto us 0 Lord, not unto us, but to thy name be glory, Pfalm 115 I. To praife another mayhe our gain ( in the difcharge of duty, andexercifeof Love) but to be Praifedourfelves isofuallyour danger. Prideneedeth nofuch fuel or bellows. Non laudato, fed laudantibusprodelt, faithAuguftine. Elle humilem eft noile laudari in fe Qi in fe laudari appetit, fuperbus effe convin- citur, inq. id. It is the expectation of thefe proud andfelflfbmen, that temptethmen to the odious art of flattery, when they find it is theway topleafe. And when one is flattering , and the other "leafed with it, what afoolifl2audfordid employment have they [Et