Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The Preface. fuch among us are to be believed, what an abominable odiousfort of people are they ( andelpecially the Presbyterians, who are the a crreateft part ofthem) what intoler- able, hypocritical, bloody men * ? And what's the reafon of thefe ac- ctifations ? Much is pretended ; but thefurnme of all is , that they were inform things againft the Opi- nions or Interefl-s of the perfons that abufe them : the yefuites know that they wereaverfe from their doRrines and practices. The reft are angry becaufe theywould be excufed from two or three Ceremonies , and from Vowing Obedience to theCeremony- Ivo kers. Ta many of their accufers thinkthemfelves injured, if not op.. preffed and perfecuted , as long as they are with-held from filming ejecting or perfecuting thefe , that would fain ferve God according to hisWord, as thefufficientRule, and have nothing impofed on them in; matter of Wor.lhip , but Neceffary things, according to the Apofiles decree , Afts 15. 28. By all this judge how rare felf-denyal is when the Intereft of mens own Opinions , Perfcns or Parties, can caufefuch umchriftiandealing fromfelf-efieeming-proffors andPreachers of the Gofpel. Sel- fifhnefs is thegreateft Lyar,andSlanderer, and the mofi mali- cious Calumniator in the world. 4. Obferve but how light-mott make of their own fins, and how eafily they aggravate the fins of others ; and how light they make of the good that is in others, in comparifon of that: which is in themfelves or thofe that are of their fide ; and judge by this of their felf-denyal ! Judah would have judged Tharnar hardly ; but he was notfo _revere againft himfelf ! Da- id very peremptorily thefallow of death againji the * So common it is for fellifh men, to make their gain-fayers as Odious as they can devife , that I confefs I wondred that I met with no mo:e of this dealing my Pelf, from Papifts, Anabaptifts , or any that have turned their faille againft me And at !aft Mr Pierce bath ari- fwered expeftation ; and from my own confeflion, ( not knowing me himfelf ) bath di awnmy pieture , that I am Proud, LaKie, Falfe ' an Hypo- crite, V7Ailifi , a Reader , tkc, And from this Polferks credit, I make no doubt but the Pa-- pins ill think they may war- rantably &Scribe me, ( if I be. thought worthy their remem- brance) in all following ages; though now I have nothng from them but good words. But it is a (mall thing to be judged by man, efpecially whin our fouls enjoy the Lord.