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The Preface. I. The Power of felfillinefs keep menfirangers to themfelves They know not their Original nor Atlual fins , with any kindly humbling knowledge. The very nature of Original fin doth Con- fifi in thefe two things : Privatively, in the want of our Original Love or Propensity to God, u God : Imean, the Privation of the ,Root, or Habit, or Inclination, to Love God for himfelf, as the _Be- ginning and Endof us andall things, and the abfolute Lord,and Infinite, fimple,ineftimable Good. And Poiitively , in the in- ordinate Propenfity or Inclination toour felves as for our felves; and not as dulyfitbordinate to God : The foul having unfaithful- ly and rebelliou fly withdrawn it felf fromGod, in point of Love and fubjeElion, it become its own Idol, and look r no higher then it felf , and Loveth Godandall things but for it felf (and princi- pallyfcr its carnal pleafure :) And the Propenlity to this , with the Privationof thefouls Inclination to God, is Original fin ; the Diffiofitionfutted to the aCtual fin that (-ailed it , which was a -retiringfrom God to felf. He thatfeeleth not this evil in him- felf, loath no true knowledge of Orie-inalfin. And its the want of the fenfe of this great evil , ( and fo the want of being ac- quaintedwith their hearts) that caufeth fo 'many to turn Pela- gians, and to dAy thebeing of Original fin: 2. Both felfithnefs, and the want of a true difcerning of it , doth breedandfeed abundance of errours , and teach men to cor rupt the whole body of Prablical Divinity, and to (obvert many Articles offaith, whichHand in their way. How comes the world to be all in a flame about the Vniverfal Reign of the Pope of Rome, but from the dominion of felfiibnefs ? Whence is it that the Nations of the earth have been fo troubled for Patriarchs , Metropolitanes, andDiocefans that muff do their work by others, andformany things that (at bet) can pretend to he but humane, indifferent, changeableforms, but from the prevalent, of Self Whence is it that mens confciences have been enfnared,and the Churches troubled, byfo many Ceremonies of mens invention, and the Church muff rather lofe herfaithfulleft Pagors, then they be permitted to worfhip God aPeter andPaul did ? "lath not felfiih- nefs and Pride done this ? It is felf that loath taughtfome toplead too much for their ownfofficiency, oat* deny theneed of secial Grace. trtd fo far bath prevailedwitbfome of late, as to lead (g 2) . them