WIP The Prat"tier of Piety. are fuch, who walke not after the fiefh, (as thou doeft ) btit after the giirit, which thou' diddell neuer yet refolue to doe. 4. I Tim.' .15 . Chriftlqkr came into the World to flue Sin- ners O'c,, True : But fuch fin- ners, wno like Pasei,are conuer- red from their wicked life : not like thee, who ftill continueit in thy lewdneffe. For thatgrace of God Ir hich bringeth !ablation vn- to all men, teacheth vs, that deny- ing vngodlineffe and worldly bilk wee Amid lice fbberly righte- 0-47, and godly in, thio preftnt 5 Pron. 24,19. A ¿fin man fidleth fetten times in a dog , and We' th, div. (In i day ) is not in the Text: Which meanes not Falling into tin but falling into trouble, which his maliCious E- nemie plots againft the and from) which God deliaershirn. And though it meant' falling in and rifuIg out of finne; what is this