Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prat-thy of Piety. this to thee ; whore falls all men may fee euery day but neither God,nor man, can at any time fee thy rifing again by repentance. 5. Ifäy 64.6. All oser righte -. ossfne fe are u filthy rags. Hence the carnali Chriffian gathers , That Peeing the be. fi.work5s of the bell Saints are no bets, r; then his are good enough , and therefore bee nudes not much grieue, that his deuoti- _ons are fo imperfeI. &t Ijiah meanes not in this place, the righteous workes of the ReQe- nerate: as, feru'nt prayers in the name of' God charitable Amer from the bowels of mercy : flit- tering in the Go.els defence, he fpoile of goods, and fpilling ofllood: and filch works,which Ga1.5,tz. Piaui cals the fruit oftheSpirit; But the Prophet making an humble confeffion ill the name of the Iewifh Church, when (flee had faine from God to I -. dolatrie, ,aekuowledgeth 9 . that. while+f