Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The 'Prat lice of Piet y. 179 while{ they were by their fiI thy finnes feparated from God, as Lepers are by their infecied fores , and polluted cloathes, from men; their chiefift righ . tecninefe could not bee but abominable in his fight. And though our bell works ( com- pared with Chrifts righted:4f- neffe)'are no better then vncleane rages yet in Gods acceptation for Chryis fake, they are called a white rayrnent ; yea, bparefing a Apoc.3.8. linnen, and fhining, farce vnlike b Apoc.i9 8. thy c Leopards fpots, and dfi/thy C .er.T3.2,3. garments. dZach.3.4, \ 7. Loxes 3.2. In Many things wee finne all. True, but Gods chit. dren fame not in all things as thou doeft ; without either 6)-idling their info , or morti- fying their corruptions. And though the relique.f of finne re- j amine in the deareft children of God; that they had neede daily to cry , Ow Father which art Heatse , firgive v our tref:. pages