So., The Prattice of Piety. cGaLt pares : Yet in the c New Telia- Rom.s.R, ment, pone are properly called to,lin 9,3r. Sinners, hut the vregenerate: but the Rernerate, i refpe61 of their zealous endeauour, to ferue Qod in ynfiined holineffe are euery where called Jn fo much that Saint /elm ii.rotin 3.9. faith that whojrneuer ü borne of Ichn $48. God, Aneth not; that is, liueth not ir]wiifilll filthineffe, fuffe- ring finne to raigne in him, as thou -doeft. Deceiue nor thy felfe with the name of a Chri- jhan whotoeuer Haab in any coilywrygrofefin,he liueth nor 3 Tra.a.xy. in the ftate of Orace; Iffc there- fire (faith l!anl) ettery one that nameth .ihe- name of Chrifi, de- Nrtfiominignitie, The Reiene- rate linne, yet y podfratity; they repent. and Cod doth, pardon; thereforQ theyfinne no to death. The ReproPare finne mdicioufly, flnfillj , and delight therein.,1 fo that by their good willxful k4k;es. thwi , before thy will teaue