Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

?'he Praaicéof Piety. leaue it. They will not repent, and Godwil not pardon. There- fore their fins are mortàll, (faith Saint !ohn) or rather immortali, as faith,Saint. Paul,. Rom.34. It is no excufe therefore to fay, We are all .S , nerr. True Chri- ftians (thou feeOE) .areall Saints, 8. Luke 2 3.43 .The theeif cox. uerted at thelaft gafpe, was re- cei ued to Paradife.. What then ? If I may haue but time to fay, when I am dying , Lord, he mercy vpon me I !hall likewtfe bee faued. But what _ if, thou. (halt not ? And yet mwy in that day "hall f y Lord . Lord, and the Lend wiftnot know _them. The theefe was1iued, for he re- pented.:, but his fellow had no grace to repent , and was dacn- ned. Beware therefore , left trufting to late Repentance at thy,.l j :'end,o; . ear& thou be not drifter: to repent . 'too.;late: without éndin. hell. .. 9. I Iohrt x. 7heltodofle . Ibid.