Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

122- The PraFticeo f íety. fur Chriifi cleanfeth vs from all fnne. And t Ioh.2. r . If any man fnne, wee haue an Advocate with the Father, Iefass Chrsf the righteous , &e. Oh comfortable ! But heare what S. John faith in the fame place : 4y little chil- dren,thefe things write I vnto you, that yee finite not, If therefore thou leaueft thy fin, thefe com- forts are thine, elle they belong not to thee. r o. Rom. 5.20. Where 'hone aboundeth , Grace did abound Bauch more. Oh fweete l But heare what Paul added] : What 1 (hall wee fay then ? Mall we conts nue ira finne , that grace may a- bound? God forbid. FFow,'hall wee that are deca l to finne,'lime any lon- ger therein ? Rom: 6. 1,2. This place teacheth vs not to pre - fume but that wee Mould not defpaire. None therefore of ti fe promifes, promifeth any grace to any, but to the penitent heart. Th'e