The Traciice of `Piety, The grounds of Religion mi- flaken are I. From the Doctrine of Iu - flification by faith onely, a care nail Chriftian gathereth; That good worker are not nece fíarie, Hee commends others, that do good works ; but he perfwades himfclfe, that he fhall be faced by his Faith, without doing any fuck matter. But bee fhould know, that though good works are not neceffary to Juf i f1 ati- on yet they are neceffarie to f luation: for we are Gods work,ea manfhip , created in Chrill Ieu r vnto good works, which God path pred eJlinated that 'roe Mould wale in them. Whofoeuer them. fore ( in yeeres of' d fcretion ) bringeth not forth good works after he is called, bee cannot bee faced neither was he euer pre deftinated to life eternall. There- fore the Scripture faith, that Chri fi will reward emery man ac- cording to his orkes. Chrij1 rem fpeas Eph, FuIP.hem. Tefin Annot. in E 404,6. R orn.z.óa = COr.9.E+. Apo;,