The Prattle? of Piety. fpels in the eAngels of the 7. Apoc.a.3. Churches nothing but their works, 8( at the day he will gine the heauenly inheritance onely to them who haue donc 4 Muth 2,f, good works: a in feeding the ban. gry, clothing the toked,&c. At 6 zTim,4 S that day, b Righteoufneffe (hail wcarc the Crowne. No righte- , oufhefre, no Crowne. No good works (according to a mans ta- lent) no rewardfrom God: vn- leffe it be c vengeance.To be rich cRom.z.S. in good workes, is the fureft di foundation of our affurance d to 19. obtaine eterna lift. For good workes are the true fiRits of a trueptith ; which apprehendeth aril?, and his obedience vnto Saluation. And no other Faith a mailed, in Chrifi , bait that e Ga1,1 .s. bich worketh bylaw Ancl, ut * Fides fed, non eft fola : in the 4E/ of Diflification) that Fides rota Faith which ondy itifirfletb, is imftiP4v4 neuer onely, but euer accornpa- oc utus Piro nied with good workes as the videt4- Tree-with fr his os, the Anne With.