The; mraflìce of Piety. I8 s with his light, the Fire with his heute, and Water with his my Aire. And the faith which doth not iuflifie her felfe by good workes before men , is but f a f ram. 2.21% dead faith, which will neuer iu- itifie a mans foule before God. Buta iuftifÿing faith .e pNri firth g Aft. i s.9.. the heart , and h fantl i faeth the h Aft ' ` whole man throughout. : Theff 8; I I. From the dotrine of 2.3.. Gods eternali a 'redeflination, a Matth.z5 and vnchangeable Decree, flee 34 gathereth : that if he be predefti= ECheLi,4 nateto be fauedd , he cannot but Ec1.3.t4. bee fined : if to bee damned, no ?wanes can doe any good. There- fore all workes of "ietyy,are but in vaine. But bee Chould league, that God bath predeftinated to the ?wanes. , as well as to the end. Whom therfore God bath pre - de ainated to be faued, which is the bend, hee'hath'lilçcwife btPec.t.ia=: predeíhinated to bee fiat called, snf ified , and made confirmable to the Image of hit Sow, which is ....» >,