r86 `_- _ c Rom?_ 4,3o. loh.,S.z<. d t Per.j .z.. NO te in ;Deoprirga:rm Vane re, /'ed an Cb>i fio,in qrao fi te pei Alen) itatae. neris, eartus efio, te ef¡è èlcartn. e Luke I S< I C< f Verfe 2.4. The PraElice of `Piety. they is the c meanes.' And (faith d Teter) who are deft unto fai- taation are alfo cleft vnto the fitnfiifscaation of the Sprits. If therefore vpon thy calling,thou conformef} thy felfe,' to the word and example of Chril thy Mailer ; and obevef} the good motions of the Holy Spirit , In leaning fin, and Iini.ng a godly, life : then affare thy felfe, that thou art one of thofe, who are infiallibly predefhinated to euer.- lafiing faluation. If otherwife, blame not Gods Predeftin.rtion, but thine owne finne and rebel- lion. Doe thou but retinae vn- to God, and God will graci- oufly receive thee, as the Fa- ther did the prodigai Sonne ; and by thy conuerfion , it (hall appeare, both to e Angels, and f men ; that thou diddeft be- long to his Ele _`Tian. If thou wilt not ; why fhould God fane thee? I I I, When a carnali Chri- fiian