r88 c Phil.s.tz, I3. agimtet The will is pailiue, in receiuing the fiiít grace:after- ward aE}iue in all good- neffe. d a Cor.7.t. e Ioh.8.38. Liberum ar.. bitrium, non nifi gratia Dei effacitur liberum, Au. aclCot.c 17 fz Cor.3. 17. [Munk, bu. mana non h tertate gra. tiam conte - riuitu r, fed gratia liber. tatem, Aug. de Brat. The Pral ice of Piety. file faith, that c God of his owne good pleafure, worketh both the will and the deedin vs,who(as the Apoffle expoundeth) d cleanfe our Rues from aft filthinefe of the flefh and 'pint, and finrfh our fanflification'in the fiare of God. And in this !late, every true Chriflian bath free will ; and as hee increafeth in grace, fo doth his will in freedome : for e when the Some all maki vs free, then fhall wee bee free indeede : and, f where the Spirit of the Lord is, there ú liberty : for the Holy Spirit drawes their mindes, not by CoaElion; but by the Cords of to*, Cant. i by illuminating their minds, to know tletruth; by changing their hearts, to lone the knowne truth ; and by ena- bling eucry one of them (accor- ding to the meafnre of grace which he bath receiued); to doe the good which he loueth. But thou -wilt not vfe the freedome of thy will, fo:far as Godhath freed