The Prat liceof Piety. freed it : for thou doeft many times wilfully ( again Gods Law , to the hazzard of thy foule) that, which if the Kings Law forbad, vnder the penalty of death, orlofle of thy Worldly iíate)thou wouldeff not do.Malre not therefore thy want of free- mál! untogood, to be fo much the caufe of thy fin, as thy want of ,a louing heart to ferue thy heauenly Father. T T T T. When "e naturall man hcares, that no man ( fine ' the fall) it able to fulfill the Law of God, and to keepe all his Con- mandements : Hee boldly pre. fumes to fin as others doe : bee contents himfelfe with a few good thoughts : and if he bee not altogether as bad as the wort?, hee concludes, that hee is as truely regenerate as the bei}. And euery voluntary refufall of doing good, or withfanding euill, bee counts the impofbi- lit? ofthe Law. But he íhiould learne 189