¡po The Fráïfice of 2'iety. !carne, that though (!ince the Fall) no mats, but Chrfi, who was both God and Man, did, or can perftE y fulfill the whole Law, yet euery true Chrií}ian, as foanc as hee is regenerated, begins to keepe all Gods Com- mandements in truth , though he cannot in abfolute perfeflion. g Pfal,tr9. Thus (with Dauíd) they g apply '17° their hearts to fulfill Gods Com- b loci z.z8, mandements dalwaies unto the 29. end. And then the h Spirit of ¿ae.ii.ro. !race which was promifed to mod iubet, g mcatat,Aug. be moreaboundanty powred forth 1 vnder the Gofiel, helpeth them to their good endeavours, and al- 1 fif eth them , to doe what hee I commands them to doe. And in fo doing , God accepteth their i z Cor. 8. igoodwill and endeuour , in Read az. of perf It fulfilling of the Law-; fupnlying out of the merits of Chr fi, who fulfilled the Law for vs, whatfocuer wanteth in our obedience. And in this re - k i Ioh. f.s. fped S. John faith, that k Gods Corn-