Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

I T he Pr nice of Piety, :Commandements are not bur- thenour. And Saint Paul faith, ¡ I am able to doe all thinyr, through the help of him that firengtheneth mee. And Zachafy and Eliza- beth are Paid m to wake in tll the Commandements o f the Lord , without reproof Heereupon ChrifI n commends to his llif- ciples, the care of keeping his Commandement, , as the trueft teffimonie of our loue vnto him. So farce therefore doth a man loue Chrifi , as he makes confcience to walke in his Com- mandements : and the more vn- to Chrift is our loue, the le f fe wil our paineseeme in keeping his Law. The Lawes curfe (Which vnder the Olde Teftament was fo terrible) is vnder the New, (by the death of Chrift ) abo- lifhed to the regenerate. The ri- gor which made it fo vnpoffì- ble to our nature before, is now to the New -born, fo mollifi'd by the Spirit, that it feemes facili i and 191 d Phil.4.r4. m Luk.r.tG.