Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

I9 The Prat-lice Of Piety. and eaje. The .Apo, files indeed preft'ed on the vnconuerted Lewes and Gentiles, the impof- fibility of keeping the Law, by ability of nature corrupted. But when they haue to doe with regcnerat4 Chriftians, they re- quire to the Law ( which is the Rom .i s rule of righteotaf ne f e) true h o- i bedience in word and deede : the (3aLs.z4. á mortifying of their members: Rom.6.r z, the k crucifying of the 'lef7, with 13- the afeîláos and lulls thereof Rom. 6.4, t reftsrrettion to newne f fe of lift s' Rom.R.i I. m walking in the Spirit , n osier - tar Gal.s.zs: comming of the world by faith, n z I oh. s .4. fo that though no man can fay o Ioh.8.46. as Chrfi , n Which of you can re- buke wee of fsnne ? yet euery re- generated Chriftian can fay .of himfelfe, Which of you can re- buke mee of beeing an eAdulte- rer, Whoore.monger, Swearer , Drunkard , Theeft, Vfurer, Op- preffor, Proud, Milieus, coue- tous Profaner of the holy Sab- bath, A Lyer, alseglelfer of Gods pub-