The Prat ire of 'Piety. publilP reerlicé, and fuch like groffe finnes ? elfe he is no true Chrillian. When a man calls off the eonfcienee of being ruled by Gods Law, then God p giues him ouer to be led by his owne luft,, the fureft fgne of a repro - bate fence. Thus the law,whi. :h fines the Fall , no man by his o ne natairall ability can fulfiP,is fulfilled in truth of euery rege- nerated Chriflian, through the Gracious affif}ance of :q Chris H y Spirit. And this Sprit,God will r glue to euery Chrifiian, that will pray for it, and incline his hearrto keepe his Lawes. V. When the vn regenerated man heares'that God delióhteth more in the inivard miede than in the éa±tivard man : Then hee fayneth with himfelfe, that all outward reverence, and profef Pion is but eyther fuperftitioùs or faperfluous Hence it is that hee feldome kneeleth in the Church : that hee puts on K his e Roma. í4,z8. & om$.g, upsu(linus optat vt Pe- 1a,;ius ag- Ylofcat, pofre legem pre- ftari per gra- d= Lhri- pacem fore eclicit. r Luk.zt.t 3. Iam.r.s Dem magis dv,,le6tatur affea<,cluritt; effèttu.