Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prat-lice of Fiety. his Hat in Pinging of Pfahnes, and the publike Prayers: which the prophane Varlot would not offer to doe,in the pretence of a Prince , or a Noble -man. And fo that he keepe his minde vnto God, he thinkes he may fat ionhimfelf(in other things) to the World. Hec diuides his thoughts, and gines fo much to God, and fo much to his owne : yea, hee will diuide with God the Sabbath, and will giue him almoft the one halfe, and fpend the other wholly in his owne pleafures. But know, O carnali Man , that Almightie GO D will not bee femed by haloes, becaufe he hath created and redeemed the whole Man. And as God devils the feruice ofthe outward Man , without the inwardheart, as Hypocrif e fo hee 'counts the inward fer- uice without all externall reue- rence, to be meei e prophaß'rdes : bee requireth both in his wor - thio.