Bayly - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.P5 B395 1632

The Prat-lice ofPiety. fhip. In prayer therefore bow thy knees, in witnes of thy Hu- miliation: liftvp thine eyes,and thy hands, in teftimonie of thy Confidence : hang downe thy head , and (mite thy breit , in token of thy Contrition : but e- fpecially call vpon God with a fincere heart : ferue him holy, ferue him wholly, ferne him on- ly , for God , and the prince of this World, are two contrary _Mailers m and therefore no man can poffibly ferue both. V T. The vn.regenerated Chriftian holds the Hearing of the Got/yell preached, to be but an indifferent matter, which hee may vfe, or not vfe at his plea- fire : but whofoeuer thou art that wilt be aífured in thy heart that thou art one of' Chrifts e- left fleepe : thou mull make a fpeciall care and cnfcience (if poffibly thou canf) to heare Gods Word preached : For, firíf, the preaching of the Gofpell is K the