196 ( The Prat-lice of Psety., the .chiefe ordinary meanes which God hath appointed to Afîs conuert the foules of all that he bath * predef inated to be faced: Rom. t.t6. therefore it is called a the power of God vnto faluation , to euery one that beleeueth. And where this Diuine Ordinance is not, b Pr0.2,9. i 8. b the people periJ7 : and whof be- 1 `Mat.Io.21 tier (hall reñife it, c It ¡hell bee more tolerable fir the Land of Sodom and Gomorrah en the day of Iudgernent, then thofe people. Secondly, the preaching 'J aytx,Y2, of the Gofpell,is the d Standard or Erfigne of Çhr f ; to. which all iSouldier.s and ele& People muft afemble themfelues.When this Enfigne i, difplayed, as vp- on the Lords `Day, he is none of eIfa.2.r,a,3. Çhrifis people,that e flocks not ventait ; neither (hall any drop f Zac.a4.X7. of the raine on lis Grace light ontheir foules. Thirdly, it is the ordinary meaner; by which ac.t::.$4. the holy GhoiI g begetteth Faith in our hearts, without Which